In ancient times, some people thought a new sun rose each morning
And feared the next day no sun would rise.
So they held festivals of sun destruction
And prayer for its rebirth. Is there not a similarity between this and the cycle of destruction and regeneration in the transfer of a God to a new shrine?
In parallel with this year's ceremony at Ise Jingu
I conduct my own ceremony for a 20 year rebirth.
I crack a new, circular mirror
And exchange each piece, one by one, with items that surround us. To regenerate a God in daily life,
Unreachable by the sun,
And keep the sun in us.
Sengu is a holy ceremony for transferring the altar chamber to an identical yet newly furnished partition inside of Ise Jingu Shirine, where is in Ise City, Mie Prefecture. Ise Jingu Shirine is the holiest and most respected shine in Japan. Sengu has been held in a 20-year cycle for the past 1300 years. In 2013, Kitano Tenmangu Shrine in Kyoto, which is one of the branches of Ise Jingu Shrine, celebrated Sengu for its holiness. In Japan, circular mirrors inside of shrines are symbolic objects for the worship of god. Circular mirror that is housed in a shinto (a.k.a. kami-no-michi) shrine is believed to contain the spirit of deity. In Japanese custom and culture, circle has always been the symbolic shape that represents the holy spirit and the sun. Through breaking a circle-shape mirror, I aim to correspond to the traditional Japanese ritual, which is to break down/through circular objects/patterns in the New Year for the revitalization of internal energy, and for a fresh start. 古代、ある人達は毎日新しい太陽が上がってくると思っていた。
太陽の再生を願う人々がでてきた 破壊と再生の儀式を行う式年遷宮はその願いに似ていないだろうか
その割れた一つ一つを、私達の身の回りのものを同じ形にし交換していく。 太陽という手が届かないとされる神を、